Wednesday, March 4, 2009

tips to make myself happier

1. Don't ask yourself if you're happy. You are perfectly happy as long as you don't as yourself if you are.
yeah man.I shouldn't ask myself wonder..:(
2. Spend time with your family.
I did! that is why i feel happy whenever we are together :)
3. Spend time with your good friends.
I am trying very hard since I have a schedule to adhere to.
4. Always take time to do something laid back from time to time, like hanging out or strolling in a park.
Of course i did. i enjoying slacking at marina barrage, beach area or at home!
5. Eat. Screw diets (unless, of course, they are needed for health or medical reasons).
Eat! I think i should control my diet now..before it is too late.
6. Shop. Buying stuff for yourself is good.
Ah huh..I am loving this! Retail therapy is the best!
7. Never let anyone force you into doing anything that you don't want to do.
hmmm.this is impossible especially at work. Thus this explains why i am unhappy most of the time during work.
8. Stay away from unhappy, super-emo people who refuse to be helped.
haha. I will try to!
9. Don't stress too much over your job. Whatever happens, it's just a job.
This sounds damn familiar. my lazy pig has said it over hundred of times. I just can't get it into my HEAD!
10. Get lots of sleep. There's no better way to start the day than waking up totally rejuvenated.
Totally agreed.

I must be happy with myself. There is only ONE ME in the entire world. HAHA. Alrights.I feel much more happier now. :)

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